VMware View indicates a ThinApp package application is invalid
Streaming Application
12:35:31,022 INFO <TP-Processor1> [ThinAppMSIManager] Application MSI with path:\\thinappserver\ThinAppStore\WinSCP\WinSCP.msi skipped. Reason:Error details. HRESULT hr = 0x8c420002. Internal error: unable to create API object
Full Assignment Application
12:57:12,541 INFO <TP-Processor2> [ThinAppMSIManager] Application MSI with path:\\thinappserver\ThinAppStore\Aimetis\Aimetis.msi skipped. Reason:Error details. HRESULT hr = 0x80070715. The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
- Ensure that the application is captured on a clean computer/virtual machine. Ensure that the Thinapp package will run on a virtual machine that is a clone of the master virtual machine for the pool desktops to which the application will be deployed.
- Copy all files from the bin folder under the capture folder for the thinapp to the Thinapp repository.
- Verify that your ThinApp packages are located on a supported network storage. ThinApp distribution by VMwareView requires that the packages are located on a Windows fileserver, or a fileserver that can support authentication and file permissions based on Active Directory computer accounts.
2010-11-03 16:02:47,708 DEBUG <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [ws_thinappmgmt] Discovering details for input MSI: < \\catl0fs800.corp.cox.com\esx_shared_vdi\MSIPackages\Oracle WorkFlow\bin\Oracle WorkFlow.msi2010-11-03 16:02:47,958 ERROR <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [ws_thinappmgmt] OpenPackage failed, path = \\catl0fs800.corp.cox.com\esx_shared_vdi\MSIPackages\Oracle WorkFlow\bin\Oracle WorkFlow.msi. Error details. HRESULT hr = 0x8c420002. Internal error: unable to create API object2010-11-03 16:02:47,958 DEBUG <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [ws_thinappmgmt] MSI skipped. Reason: Error details. HRESULT hr = 0x8c420002. Internal error: unable to create API object2010-11-03 16:02:47,974 DEBUG <TP-Processor8> [ThinAppMSIManager] Returned bag:{ \\catl0fs800.corp.cox.com\esx_shared_vdi\MSIPackages\Oracle WorkFlow\bin\Oracle WorkFlow.msi={ ThinAppType=ThinAppThin, SkippedErrorContext=OpenPackage, SkippedErrorCode=-1941831678, SkippedError=Error details. HRESULT hr = 0x8c420002. Internal error: unable to create API object } }”
To resolve this issue, add the RetainAllIcons=1 parameter within the PDC section of the package.ini file and then rebuild the ThinApp package.