Davoud Teimouri - Virtualization and Data Center Blog

[Review]: Undocumented VMware VMX Configuration Parameters 1

[Review]: Undocumented VMware VMX Configuration Parameters

VMware VMX Configuration Parameters Using undocumented configuration parameters at your own risk, so don’t use configurations that you don’t know its impact. AIOMGR aiomgr.noContinueOnFailure aiomgr.numThreads aiomgr.simple aiomgr.unbuf ANSWER answer.msg.serial.disconnect BIOS bios.bootDelay bios.bootDeviceClasses bios.bootOrder bios.bootRetry.delay bios.bootRetry.enabled bios.forceSetupOnce bios.hddOrder CBTMOTION (Change Block Tracking) cbtmotion.compareDisks cbtmotion.filter.ctk.disable cbtmotion.filter.disable cbtmotion.filter.linearHeat.enable cbtmotion.filter.linearHeat.threshold cbtmotion.forceEagerZeroedThick cbtmotion.forceZeroedThick cbtmotion.leaveDestinationDisks cbtmotion.leaveSourceDisks cbtmotion.maxIters cbtmotion.showPerfCtrs CDROM cdrom.aiomgr cdrom.asyncTimeout cdrom.guestPollAllowance cdrom.iso.aiomgr cdrom.logging cdrom.logMaxCmd cdrom.logMaxRes cdrom.minVirtualTime cdrom.modeSenseInterval cdrom.passthroughTimeout cdrom.reconnectDelayMS cdrom.releaseTimeout cdrom.reopenOnMediaChange cdrom.sessionCloseTimeout cdrom.showIsoLockWarning cdrom.synchronous cdrom.useNonUnified cdrom.useSGIO CHECKPOING (Snapshot Related) checkpoint.compressLevel checkpoint.cptConfigName checkpoint.disableCpuCheck checkpoint.displayProgress checkpoint.forceFSRFailure checkpoint.format.64bit checkpoint.logSizes checkpoint.mks.displayTopology.displayId checkpoint.mks.displayTopology.isPrimary checkpoint.mks.displayTopology.positionX checkpoint.mks.numScreenshots checkpoint.mks.saveimage checkpoint.mks.screenshot checkpoint.overrideVersionCheck checkpoint.runSuspendTest checkpoint.stuntiming checkpoint.stunTortureTest checkpoint.stunTortureTestIterations checkpoint.stunTortureTestPeriod checkpoint.stunTortureTestStartDelay checkpoint.suspendTestIterations checkpoint.timing checkpoint.vmState checkpoint.vmState.readOnly CHIPSET chipset.enableGART chipset.onlineStandby chipset.type chipset.useAcpiBattery chipset.useApmBattery chipset.useHotButtons chipset.version CPUID cpuid.coresPerSocket cpuid.disable_apicExtRegs cpuid.disable_mca cpuid.disable_vme cpuid.enable_svm cpuid.enable_vmx cpuid.supportsMulticore DEBUG debug.vmss debug.watchfault.addr debug.watchfault.fastfaults debug.watchfault.num debug.watchfault.rip DEPLOYPKG deployPkg.begin deployPkg.deploy deployPkg.update.state DISK disk.AllowDupUUID disk.canShrinkRedo disk.EnableUUID disk.EnableUUIDHW7 disk.fixAdapter disk.fragment.minNumIOs disk.fragment.minPercentage disk.hotRemoveOnFail disk.maxNumLinks disk.mustDela disk.period disk.powerOnWithDisabledDisk disk.PTReadOverride disk.shrinkredo disk.uuidPossible DISKLIB disklib.dataCacheMaxRAIOSize disklib.sparse.bigJobGTWritePolicy disklib.sparse.bigJobMaxChangesBeforeFlush disklib.sparse.bigJobMaxDirtyGTEs disklib.sparse.bigJobRGTWritePolicy disklib.sparse.gtWritePolicy disklib.sparse.maxChangesBeforeFlush disklib.sparse.rgtWritePolicy DMOTION (Storage vMotion) dMotion.enabled EEPROM eeprom.data eeprom.runtime.addrBits eeprom.runtime.addrReg eeprom.runtime.busy eeprom.runtime.dataBits eeprom.runtime.dataReg eeprom.runtime.DO eeprom.runtime.eepromLocked eeprom.runtime.lastCS eeprom.runtime.lastDI eeprom.runtime.lastSK eeprom.runtime.reportBusyStatus eeprom.runtime.stateMachine eeprom.runtime.writeEnabled ETHERNET ethernet%d.address ethernet%d.addressType ethernet%d.allowGuestConnectionControl ethernet%d.bsdName ethernet%d.connectionType ethernet%d.delayedInterruptThreshold ethernet%d.devName ethernet%d.disableMorphToVmxnet ethernet%d.displayName ethernet%d.downWhenAddrMismatch ethernet%d.dvs.connectionId ethernet%d.dvs.portgroupId ethernet%d.dvs.portId ethernet%d.dvs.switchId ethernet%d.exclusive ethernet%d.filter%d.name ethernet%d.filter%d.onFailure ethernet%d.filter%d.param%d ethernet%d.forcedToBridged ethernet%d.generatedAddress ethernet%d.generatedAddressOffset ethernet%d.ignoreMACAddressConflict ethernet%d.interruptDelay ethernet%d.intrMode ethernet%d.linkStatePropagation.enable ethernet%d.networkName ethernet%d.noForgedSrcAddr ethernet%d.noPromisc ethernet%d.noReceiveAfterSend ethernet%d.noUPT ethernet%d.numRecvBuffers...

Container Linux - Clustering 2

[Review]: What is Container Linux?

Container Linux Container Linux by Core OS (Core OS Linux) is a lightweight operating system which developed for servers and cluster under Apache License 2.0 . Initial release was October 3, 2013, 4 years ago and latest stable release is 1576.5.0 January 5, 2018. Container Linux has been developed to providing clustered infrastructure for running software on Linux containers. Container Linux has minimum software and tools, the operating system is very light and designed for hosting containers. It also provides automation solutions for application deployment, security, reliability and scalability. Overview Container Linux offers no package manager for installing and upgrading software packages, instead of installing applications, Container Linux offers Operating-system-level virtualization for deploying application on Linux containers. That way, resource partitioning between containers is performed through multiple isolated userspace instances, instead of using a hypervisor and providing full-fledged virtual machines. This approach relies on the Linux kernel’s cgroups and namespaces functionalities which together provide abilities to limit, account and isolate resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, etc.) for the collections of userspace processes. Container Linux using dual boot partition mechanism for applying new security and reliability patches after reboot or kexec. Dual boot partition mechanism provides better system reliability because there is rollback point to previous state. Container Linux provides etcd, a daemon that runs across all computers in a cluster and provides a...

PowerCLI 0

[Script]: Check Time Synchronization with Host on Virtual Machines – PowerCLI

As you know, virtual machines can sync their time with ESXi host when VMware Tools is installed on the virtual machines. Also the configuration should be enabled on virtual machine configuration manually. The configuration is available on “Virtual Machine Properties”: If there is more than one virtual machine (Absolutely YES), the configuration should be enabled via an automation solution such as PowerCLI because enabling the configuration manually is very difficult. As all virtual machines don’t need to this configuration for time synchronization, administrators enables the configuration for some VMs when it needed. Some times, administrators have to provide a report from the virtual machines which have the configuration enabled. So how an administrator be able to create a query from the virtual machine. The stupid solution is checking virtual machine via GUI one by one. But true solution is create query from virtual machine via an automation tools such as PowerCLI The Script! Administrator can run the below PowerCLI script to find the virtual machines with “Synchronize guest time with host” configuration: The {File Path} should be changed with actual file path for storing the information as CSV file. More on Tiemouri.Net VMware Tools Client – Interact with a VM...

vSAN ReadyNode Configurator - vSAN OEM 0

[Review]: What’s vSAN ReadyNode?

vSAN ReadyNode are x86 servers, available from all the leading server vendors, that have been pre-configured, tested and certified for VMware Hyper-Converged Infrastructure Software. Each ReadyNodes is optimally configured for vSAN with the required amount of CPU, memory, network, I/O controllers and storage (SSDs, HDDs or flash devices).

vSAN Hybrid TCO and Sizing Calculator - Sizing Results 0

[Review]: VMware Virtual SAN (vSAN) TCO and Sizing Calculator

VMware vSAN Hybrid TCO and Sizing Calculator Virtual SAN or vSAN is a software-defined storage (Hyper Converged) for VMware vSphere environments. Main goal of sing vSAN in VMware vSphere environments, is reducing implementing cost. So calculating TCO and device sizing will help to achieve better results. As vSAN technology owner, VMware has provided an online tool for calculating TCO and sizing for vSAN. The online tool is very useful for IT administrator to find cost of vSAN implementation with different scenarios. The online tool has four different sections: Sizing Inputs: You should fill the sizing inputs form with some information about your environment. Sizing Results: The online tool will calculate results according to the sizing inputs and show the result on this section. TCO Input: You should enter required information for Total Cost of Ownership. TCO Results: According to the information, the tool will calculate and shows the result for TCO calculation. Sizing Inputs This section is using for enter virtualization environment specifications. You must specify the some important information for the online tool to calculating vSAN TCO and sizing. The online tool can calculate requirements according to virtualization platform, there is two platforms for calculations: Server Virtualization Desktop Virtualization The online...

Intel Data Center Modernization Estimator 2

[Review]: Intel Data Center Modernization Estimator

Intel Data Center Modernization Estimator is an online tool for project server sizing. Based on Intel IT’s methodology for determining the appropriate server sizing for our scale-up enterprise resource planning (ERP) environment, this tool allows you to enter data about your existing data center environment and evaluate the optimal servers for your project life cycle.

EMC Unity 0

[Update]: EMC Unity Storage Systems – Drive and OE Compatibility Matrix (Feb 2018)

EMC Unity Drive and OE Compatibility Matrix EMC Unity storage systems supporting the below disk drives: Unity SAS Flash 2 Drives – For use in FAST Cache, FAST VP or all-Flash-pools Unity SAS Flash 3 Drives – For use in all-Flash-pools only Unity SAS Flash 4 Drives – For use in all-Flash-pools only Unity Spinning Drives To function properly drives installed in an EMC Unity storage system require that the array be running the minimum required revision of the Operating Environment (OE). EMC provides a document  which lists the drive part numbers supported for Unity storage systems and the minimum software revisions required for each drive model. Notes: The drive part number (PN) appears on a label on the front of the drive carrier. Note that although the OE GUI may display an alpha suffix at the end of the PN (like EFD) these characters are not part of the actual orderable PN. All drives listed in this document are RoHS compliant. Unity drive models use the following prefixes: D3 = AC storage D3FC = AC FAST cache D3AF = AC storage when used in All-Flash-Array (AFA) D3N = DC NEBS storage D3NFC = DC NEBS FAST Cache The following...


[Update]: EMC VNX2 Storage Systems – Drive and OE Compatibility Matrix (Feb 2018)

EMC VNX2 Drive and OE Compatibility Matrix The document will help you to know that the minimum compatibility between VNX storage system OE and disk drives. The supported part numbers and minimum version of software are listed. Before installing a new disk in a storage system, use the EMC Unisphere Manager to determine the VNX OE revision running on the storage system. In Unisphere Manager, the VNX OE revision appears on the Software tab of the Storage System Properties dialog box for the storage system. Note 1: Changes and additions in the tables since the last revision of this document are noted in red type. Note 2: The disk part number (PN) appears on a label on the front of the disk carrier. Note that although the OE GUI may display an alpha suffix at the end of the PN (like PWR or SSD) these characters are not part of the actual orderable PN. Note 3: PNs in tables with a ‘YES’ entry in the Spin-Down Support column may report a suffix of PWR through the OE GUI (EX: 005049278PWR). This PWR suffix is used by the OE and is not part of the actual orderable PN. Supported Disk Drives...


[How To]: Configure HPE iLO via ESXi

There is a standard way to configure iLO for HPE ProLiant servers, HPE iLO can be configured after boot-up via SETUP utility on all type of servers and generations. If you press [F8] during boot-up, iLO configuration utility will be appeared and then you can configure all iLO configuration such as network connection.