Adding persistent route on Ubuntu
I have to using VPN in my office for connecting to some services and add some routes to my Ubuntu routing table.
But the routes will be removed after reboot. So I have to add them manually again.
I googled that and find a solution for adding the routes when interface is coming up.
You need to create a script under “/etc/network/if-up.d/”, for creating the script, follow the below steps:
1. Create script file by using “cat” command or other text editors:
#cat > your-script-file
route add -net x.x.x.x netmask x.x.x.x gw x.x.x.x
route …
route …
CTRL+D (For saving file)
- Make the script file as an executable script file:
#chmod +x your-script-file
Then restart networking service or unplug and plug your network and run “route -n”.
If the routes network are available, then the routes will be added to routing table.
Note: You script should be saved without “.sh”. I tested it on Ubuntu 14.04.
Run the below command for test:
run-parts –test /etc/network/if-up.d